It’s that time of Life… when you know you need to step up your romantic getaway game. As grown folks, we are awarded the freedom and the responsibility to bring our inner beauty outward for creating and sharing. Whether your urge is to explore with that special someone or to be your own muse, enjoy your GrownUp Self and snag cool opportunities like this one!
Our longtime artist pal Mary Jennings of mARY jENNINGS aRT (a previous “A.R.T. of Go-Go” sponsor) is teaching art classes on Saturday, April 19th at Salamander Resort & Spa in Middleburg, VA (35 minutes from Dulles). Check out the resort’s website and see “Art Offering with Mary Jennings” on the Event Calendar.
It’s a stamped, DC Brand 99 guarantee that this graduate of Duke Ellington School of the Arts and known go-go groover will give you a VERY unique art experience!

Mary Jennings and 99 in 2010